Hello everyone,
The literature have been stressing the significance of quality assurance in the online environment. The continued proliferation of distance education and e-learning necessitates the assurance of quality in ensuring online student success and in meeting their learning needs. Lynch and Gaston (2020) pointed out indicators of students’ success. They include learning outcomes, engagement, and the quality of online discussion threads. Infact, some instructors believe that there is a connection between students’ engagement and learning outcomes (Smith & Crowe, 2017, as cited in Lynch & Gaston, 2020). Meanwhile, a positive correlation between course performance and engagement was found by Hampton and Pearce (2016) for online nursing students (as cited in Lynch & Gaston, 2020).
Essentially, these measures of success highlighted in the literature are related to various aspects of support. I like to think of this relationship as a system with various parts working together to ensure that positive outcomes are achieved, and goals are met. For instance, the success indicators mentioned above I.e., engagement, interaction, learning outcomes, and course performance are affected by aspects of learner and faculty support. Precisely, tutoring services and other administrative and academic support for online students can positively impact students’ course performance. Moreover, technical support provided to both faculty and students can also influence engagement and various forms of interactions. For example, the technical department may take an active role in edifying, or training instructors on emerging technologies and help them implement the latest technologies that boost students’ engagement and interaction in the DE sphere. Altogether, it is imperative to keep in mind that the support given to online teachers impact learners directly and indirectly as well as the support given to learners affects various aspects of their online learning experiences and also affects their outcomes/success.
Part 2
See scorecard below:
https://www.canva.com/design/DAFTYNt6mao/k7bqgtaEYEE5d7hxv14T4A/view?utm_content=DAFTYNt6mao&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink ...................
Scorecard ..................... I anticipate your feedback!
MDE student
University of Maryland Global Campus
University of Maryland Global Campus | UMGC
Lynch, S., & Gaston, T. (2020). Quality matters impact on student outcomes in an online program. Journal of Educators Online, 17(2). Click here to access the article