Technology Tools
The graphical innovations displayed in this section illustrate the use of digital media in a variety of educational settings. Their properties, strengths, and weaknesses of multimedia in different learning contexts are identified.

Multimedia Tech Tools | Distance Education
If you are an instructional designer, multimedia producer, educator, or simply a continuous learner, the tech tools discussed in the video below are amazing tools that you can use for a variety of purposes. The tools discussed are Zoom, Canva, Kahoot, Powtoon, and YouTube.
In this video, I provide the following:
A notation of the tool including the name and URL for access, whether the tool is free or if there is a price to use the tool.
A description of the tool, including key features and the purpose of the tool, strengths of the tool, drawbacks of the tool, and their application to distance education or eLearning/training.
The MDE competencies gained include: Technology ​
Course: DETC 620 Training and Learning with Multimedia
As a student or educator, how would you use Audacity, Adobe Premier Pro, Adobe Express, and Dictate in Microsoft 365? One of my colleagues said, "a student can create a podcast using Audacity (which I absolutely love) and then share that with their classmates, what a great way for students to find alternative ways to show what they know!"
The infographic below provides a notation of the tool including the name and URL for access, a brief description highlighting its use and purpose as well as their application to distance education.
The MDE competencies gained include: Technology and programs​
Course: DETC 620 Training and Learning with Multimedia
Alexa in Distance Education
Alexa is a voice command service developed by Amazon that gives users the opportunity to easily interact with other technologies. Precisely, Alexa can help users control their music, their television, other household devices among others. It can also be applied or used in distance education such that it can help students study and do their homework among other things. Access this link: Amazon Alexa Voice AI | Alexa Developer Official Site for more information.
The artifact below highlights three possible benefits and three possible drawbacks of using or applying a tool like Alexa in distance education.
The MDE competencies gained include: Technology and programs​
Course: DETC 620 Training and Learning with Multimedia

Wix | Course Design & Development
Wix is a web builder tech tool that allows users to create websites for free and from scratch using blank templates or pre-made templates. Its website can be accessed via this link: In distance education, Wix can be used to design, develop, and deliver an online course, program or even an online school. This short video demonstration below shows you the basics of how to use Wix to create, design, and deliver an online course.
The MDE competencies gained include: Technology and programs​
Course: OMDE 603 Technology in Distance Education & E-learning
EdApp in Distance Education
EdApp is a free mobile learning management system that can be used on any device via its website or downloadable application. It offers a wide range of features such as editable course templates, learning analytics, gamification tools, tech support, and so much more. Like Wix, EdApp can be used in distance education to design, develop, deliver, and manage an online course. Access this link: The Mobile Learning Management System | EdApp: The Mobile LMS for more information.
The artifact below is a free online APA writing style course that I created and launched using EdApp.
The MDE competencies gained include: Technology and programs​
Course: DETT 607 Instructional Design and Course Development in Distance Education and E-Learning
The Review Gamehub will be an e-learning tool that can be used to make learning super fun in undergraduate psychology programs! Essentially, it will be an e-space where there is a compilation of games created for different psychology courses. The hub will consist of a plethora of games that range from jeopardy to family feud, to crossword puzzles, and so much more. A sample of the project can be accessed here: Review Gamehub | Bloom (
The video below provides my complete business case for the Review Gamehub, including my market research, the business model, and the financial plan. It gives a brief description of each segment of the project.
The MDE competencies gained include: Technology, strategic planning, and programs​
Course: DEPM 622 The Business of Distance Education & E-Learning
Educaplay in Distance Education
Educaplay is a free game-based learning platform that allows users to create educational games. It offers a wide range of features such as editable game templates, gamification tools, tech support, and so much more. Like Quizlet, it can be used in distance education to make learning fun and help address student issues like motivation, and academic performance among others. Access this link: Educaplay: Free educational games generator for more information.
The artifact below is a fill in the blank activity that I created on Research Methods in Psychology using the platform.
The MDE competencies gained include: Technology and programs​
Course: OMDE 610 Teaching and Learning in Online Distance Education
Quizlet is a game-based learning platform that facilitates the learning process and helps students study. It can be used in distance education to make learning fun and help address student issues like motivation, and academic performance among others. Access this link: Flashcards, learning tools and textbook solutions | Quizlet for more information.
The comparison chart below highlights some key features of Quizlet.
The MDE competencies gained include: Technology ​
Course: DEPM 622 The Business of Distance Education & E-Learning
Application of Tech Tools to Research Area
The mind map below provides ways in which the aforementioned technology applications can be applied to my research interest (gamification & student engagement).
The MDE competencies gained include: Technology ​
Course: OMDE 670 Research Project in Distance Education & E-Learning