DETC 620
Training and Learning with Multimedia
The graphical innovations displayed in this section illustrate the use of digital media in a variety of educational settings, designed to identify properties, strengths, and weaknesses of multimedia in different learning contexts.
My Multimedia Tookit
Technology is constantly metamorphosizing, but as this continues to happen, there are just some tech tools that may never become obsolete. Here are five of these multimedia tools and applications that you can explore and add to your multimedia tool kit.
MDE Competencies: Technology
Introduction to Psychology Fully Online Project| SGU
This project presentation provides key highlights from my written proposal to an executive staff so that decision-makers can be informed about the approach my team is recommending and hopefully give their approval for completing the project. The intention of this project is to give me and other colleagues the experience in selecting appropriate multimedia for an online learning course and provide a convincing rationale for its use.
MDE Comptencies: Technology, programs, & strategic planning