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Instructional Design Models

The graphical innovations displayed in this section illustrate the the instructional design process and three models used in the practice of instructional design. 

Bloom's Taxonomy

Benjamin Bloom is the mastermind behind Bloom's Taxonomy. He asserted that learning is hierarchal which means that learners progress from one level to the next. As depicted in the artifact below, learners commence from the remembering level where they recall facts and work their way up until they reach the higher levels i.e., evaluate and create.


The visual below highlights the key elements of Bloom's Taxonomy. The action verbs can be used to create learning objectives for DE courses. 


The MDE competencies gained include: Programs​


Course: OMDE 670 Research Project in Distance Education & E-Learning

Bloom's TaxonomyKrista Campbell
00:00 / 01:20
Keller's ARCS Model-Motivation

Dr. John Keller developed the ARCS model for motivation which identifies four key elements of motivating learners. These components include- Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction. His model can be incorporated in the design and development of online courses. 


The concept map below highlights these four components and some of the ways each component can be fostered.


The MDE competencies gained include: Programs​


Course: OMDE 670 Research Project in Distance Education & E-Learning


The ADDIE model comprises of an analysis of the target audience, learning outcomes, and other course related variables. The phases that follow involve the outlining and creation of the course content and material. Essentially, these are done within the design and development stages. The last two phases I.e., implement and evaluate require designers to deliver a prototype and acquire the relevant data needed for improvement purposes. This model can be used to design, develop, and deliver online courses. 


The poster below highlights the aforementioned components of the ADDIE instructional design process.


The MDE competencies gained include: Programs​


Course: OMDE 670 Research Project in Distance Education & E-Learning

The ADDIE ModelKrista Campbell
00:00 / 01:44
Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction

"Robert Gagne, an educational psychologist, developed another taxonomy (events of instruction) that built on Bloom’s and became the basis for cognitivist instructional design (Harasim, 2012). Gagne emphasized nine events in instruction that drive the definitions of objectives and strategies for the design of instructional material" (Picciano, 2017, p. 169). 


The infographic below identifies the nine events of instruction and how they can be applied in the distance education realm. 


The MDE competencies gained include: Programs​


Course: OMDE 670 Research Project in Distance Education & E-Learning


Reference: Picciano, A. G. (2017). Theories and frameworks for online education: Seeking an integrated model. Online Learning, 21(3), 166-190. doi: 10.24059/olj.v21i3.1225

Application to Research Area

The visual below provides ways in which the aforementioned instructional design models can be applied to my research interest (gamification & student engagement). 


The MDE competencies gained include: Programs​


Course: OMDE 670 Research Project in Distance Education & E-Learning

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