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DETT 607
Instructional Design and Course Development in Distance Education and E-Learning

The graphical innovations displayed in this section illustrate the the instructional design process, its history and place in today's course development efforts, and the use of instructional design components in practice. Emphasis is on the nature of learning and the requirements for effective instructional design in online and blended environments. The theoretical underpinnings of learning are explored and applied to the design of a prototype classroom. 

The Student-Centered Approach

In distance education (DE) and in any other learning environment, it is all about the students. This video relates Gagne's 9 events of instruction with the student-centered approach.

MDE Competencies: Technology, programs, & support

Learning Design| Gagné's Nine Events of Instruction| Class Discussion

In this video, I identify at least one principle or concept that I believe will be helpful in my learning design. I also explain how the principle(s) or concept(s) relates to one or more of Gagné's nine events of instruction and why I believe the principle(s) or concept(s) will be helpful.

MDE Competencies: Technology, programs, & support

Storyboard| APA Writing Style Online Course

Using PowerPoint®, I created a prototype (i.e. not fully developed) storyboard. This storyboard will be a tool that a design team can use as a transition from the expression of my DETT 607 Instructional Design and Course Development in Distance Education and E-Learning course learning design in narrative form to a visual expression of this course as it would be implemented in a Learning Management System (LMS)


The storyboard shows the design team how the course will be organized and illustrate how learners will begin the course, access course materials, interact with classmates and instructor, and complete assessment activities. The storyboard also includes: •how the course design is grounded in learning (e.g. constructivism etc), distance learning, and instructional design theories, • an overview of the course organization, including learning objectives, assessments, instructional design strategies, and content topics, integration of Gagné's Nine Events of Instruction in each unit of the course, integration of Keller’s ARCS model throughout the course, • basic navigation (and branching if applicable) in the LMS, • a visual representation of a typical page in the LMS, • examples of content, media, and assessments, and • a Project Plan that includes a timeline, high-level cost analysis and stakeholders involved.

MDE Competencies: Technology, programs, & support

Applying Principles and Concepts

In this visual class discussion, I explain how the Keller and Litchfield principle(s) or concept(s) relates to one or more of Gagné's nine events of instruction and why I believe the principle(s) or concept(s) will be helpful.

MDE Competencies: Technology


This logo was created for my learning design project.

MDE Competencies: Technology, strategic planning & programs

ccg 2 Logo.png
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