DETT 621:
Online Learning and Development in the Workplace
The graphical innovations displayed in this section illustrate various issues, problems, and solutions related to distance learning and professional development in the workplace.
Key Terms: Similarities and differences
This graphic illustrates the relationship between key concepts in Online Learning and Development in the Workplace. They are education, learning, training, & development.
MDE Competencies: Technology
IBM's Case Study
This deliverable examines IBM's level of learning and development maturity. It provides contextual information on IBM.
MDE Competencies: Technology, support, compliance, strategic planning, & programs
IBM's Needs Analysis
This deliverable examines IBM's learning and development needs.
MDE Competencies: Technology, support, compliance, strategic planning, & programs
IBM's ATD Competency
This deliverable focuses on the ATD competencies that would help IBM's L&D needs.
MDE Competencies: Technology, support, compliance, strategic planning, & programs
IBM's Proposal Presentation
This proposal presentation is the final in a series related to improving enterprise learning for IBM. Based on the needs analysis, this proposal was prepared to address the needs identified. Although the proposal presents a comprehensive plan, the focus is on those aspects of the plan that can be addressed through online learning. An explanation on how the proposed plan elements relate to the overall L&D model, address L&D needs, and support organizational goals was presented. The plan also includes a description of how the proposed L&D elements will be managed and measured.
MDE Competencies: Technology, support, compliance, strategic planning, & programs