OMDE 670:
Research Project in Distance Education & E-Learning
My research project provides an in-depth analysis of gamification and its impact on student engagement in online undergraduate computer science courses.
It explores related background topics like student engagement (issues, causes, & outcomes), engagement strategies, and theoretical perspectives among others.
The meta-analysis conducted revealed that gamification makes learning more enjoyable and interactive, leading to higher levels of student engagement in distance education.
MDE Competencies: Support, programs, & technology
By incorporating these emerging technologies and other active learning techniques into distance education settings, instructors can create interactive learning experiences that promote student engagement, collaboration, and a deeper understanding of course content.
However, the exclusion of these active learning strategies from online courses can be a significant contributor to student disengagement.
Addressing these factors requires a comprehensive approach that includes proactive communication and interactions, accessible support services, effective course design, and strategies to foster a sense of community and belonging among online learners.
Carefully attending to the underlying causes of student disengagement can help educational institutions promote a more inclusive and engaging distance education experience for all students.
However, when engagement issues persist and HEIs fail to address some of the underlying causes, rippling effects are not only felt by students but by all other stakeholders involved, making this a lose-lose situation.
It is against this backdrop that it became necessary to implement strategies like gamification to address these issues and produce positive outcomes.
"This idea has influenced Purdue University, which has made badges a major part of a new initiative to provide students with a more comprehensive method of presenting their learning and achievements, and Figure 5 shows how badges are presented in a student’s personal ‘Passport’ profile" (Tally, 2012, as cited in Glover, 2013).
"The leaderboard is typically used in competitive activities but can also be used to encourage teamwork" (Glover, 2013).
Theoretical Perspective: Constructivism
Since gamification incorporates social interactions via forums, team work etc., then it is safe to conclude that it is grounded in the constructivist learning theory.
The major tenet of this school of thought is that learning is an active process where learners construct their own knowledge through social interactions (Bates, 2019).
Pedagogies typically focus on cooperative learning, team- based learning, and discussions among others.
So, this theory becomes operational especially in the course design phase where strategies like game mechanics are incorporated which aim to gain learner’s attention and boost engagement in online classes.
Thank you so much for your time! You have earned yourself an engagement badge!
Your questions, comments, and feedback are now welcomed!
My Research Project: Final Paper
My Capstone Presentation (Practice Session)