1. Power and leadership are intertwined. “Leaders at all levels have access to power, but that power often goes unrecognized or underutilized” (Center for Creative Leadership, n.d.). Leaders may leverage power from different sources. Research has shown that there are 7 sources of power. They include the following:
“The power of position is the formal authority that derives from a person’s title or position in a group or an organization.
The power of charisma is the influence that’s generated by a leader’s style or persona.
The power of relationships is the influence that leaders gain through their formal and informal networks both inside and outside of their organizations.
The power of information is the control that’s generated through the use of evidence deployed to make an argument.
The power of expertise is the influence that comes from developing and communicating specialized knowledge (or the perception of knowledge).
The power of punishment is the ability to sanction individuals for failure to conform to standards or expectations.
The power to reward others is the ability to recognize or reward individuals for adhering to standards or expectations” (Center for Creative Leadership, n.d.).
Since power can be derived from different sources, it shows how interconnected and interrelated these two concepts are.
2. Power can be used effectively and misused or even abused. Personally, I would leverage power to help others achieve goals and reach their full potential. In the case of an organization, my focus would be on talent development and ensuring that organizational goals are achieved.
MDE student
University of Maryland Global Campus
University of Maryland Global Campus | UMGC
Center for Creative Leadership. (n.d.). The role of power in leadership. Center for Creative Leadership. https://www.ccl.org/articles/leading-effectively-articles/the-role-of-power-in-effective-leadership/