Hi everyone,
Happy reading!!!!
Reading #1
ADA Compliance (Sections 508 & 504). Click to access the article
Curated content
Relationship of concept to Gagné's nine events of instruction
Event 1- Gain attention
Event 4- Present the content
How: Content from external sources that ADA compliant can be used to stir up interest and serve as an attention grabber. These third party resources can also form part of the content or as a supplemental resource.
The incorporation of different sources and formats can help support learners with various learning preferences and accessibility needs, especially the resources that are ADA compliant.
The incorporation of a captioned YouTube video on the APA citation writing style in the content section and/or as a supplemental resource. Here’s a sample video created by OWL Purdue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ0iUeUxazM
Reading/lecture #2
Designing Multimedia Instruction for Maximum Learning (Richard E. Mayer lecture). Click to access the video
Spatial contiguity
Relationship of concept to Gagné's nine events of instruction
Event 1- Gain attention
Event 4- Present the content
How: Graphics can be incorporated into the content section or in other course sections to gain learners’ attention. The principles recommend pictures to be near to texts.
Research conducted on this principle found positive effects and learning outcomes. Specifically, placing pictures closer to the text can help students learn more deeply.
Graphics will mainly be included in the announcement and overview section of the course. In this case, the photos will either be placed at the top of the text or close to it as possible.
Reading #3 Mayer (2003). The promise of multimedia learning: using the same instructional design methods across different media. Learning and Instruction, 13(1) 125–139. Click to access the article
Personalization effect
Relationship of concept to Gagné's nine events of instruction
Event 2-State objectives
Event 5- Provide Guidance
Event 7- Provide feedback
How: When instructors are relaying information in the learning environment whether it be identifying the objectives, providing guidance and feedback, all this can be done in a more conversational manner/tone as opposed to a rigid, direct, and formal manner.
Research conducted on this principle found positive effects and learning outcomes. Specifically, a conversational style in the learning sphere can enhance students’ learning.
Various aspects of the course like the overview/introduction will be written in a conversational tone using subjective language like you and your.
Reading #4 Onodipe, G., Ayadi, M., & Marquez, R. (2016). The efficient design of an online course: Principles of economics. Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 17(1) 39-51. Click to access the article
Quality Matters (QM) standards
Relationship of concept to Gagné's nine events of instruction
Event 2- State objectives
Event 4- Present content
Event 5- Provide Guidance
Event 6- Elicit performance
Event 7- Provide feedback
Event 8- Assess performance
How: The quality matters standards are related to most of Gagné's nine events of instruction because it involves eight broad areas that address and are analogous to one of the events. For example, QM areas involve learning objectives, assessment, and learner interaction just to name a few. These three areas are directly related to event 2, event 8, and event 6 respectively.
The incorporation of these QM areas is necessary and important in ensuring the course meets QM standards and is of high quality as a result. Afterall, quality does matter!
The APA online course will be comprised of an overview, learning objectives, content, multimedia, learner support, and assessment among other important elements.
Reading #5 What is SCROM? Click to access the website
Course content
Relationship of concept to Gagné's nine events of instruction
Event 4- Present content
How: Instructional materials are a major aspect of a course which is directly related to event 4 that speaks to the presentation of content within any given course.
The content on APA writing will help students meet learning objectives.
The APA online course will be comprised of a content section that incorporates various multimedia like readings, videos, and presentations.
I must confess that I thoroughly enjoyed reading all of the material for this week. I found them to be very interesting and they deepened my understanding of course design.
That's a wrap for my discourse for this week!
What questions or suggestions do you have?
How does your perspective differ?
What special issues need to be addressed in their instructional design work?
What recommendations, if any, do you have?
As always, I look forward to hearing more from you!
MDE student
University of Maryland Global Campus
University of Maryland Global Campus | UMGC